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For Climate Justice The World Must Respect Sexual and Gender Diversity

    The world is witnessing a defining moment because of climate change and its dangerous effects that extend to the whole planet. Extreme climate disturbances, such as changing weather conditions that cause a decrease or scarcity of food, a rise in sea level and the resulting unprecedented floods, in addition to desertification and drought of rivers and other forms of climate disturbances. All these changes have affected everyone around the world, but the magnitude of these effects is not equal for everyone, the poorest and marginalized groups are the most affected by climate changes.

    Norms and social culture play a key role in determining how much individuals and groups are able to adapt or respond to climate changes, as social norms and culture, which create different levels of social roles, predetermine the availability of possibilities for individuals and groups that can contribute to mitigating or doubling the damages resulting from climate changes.

    Sexual minorities, for example, “transsexual, trans, and lesbians and gays” are among the groups most vulnerable to severe damage from climate change. What sexual minorities suffer from a history full of social injustice, and its multiple forms of rejecting, exclusion and denial of accessing to services makes them on the top of the scene of the most vulnerable groups around the world

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